January is here
a new beginning

Società Agricola Le Buche srl

With the arrival of the winter season and the vine plants asleep in our vineyards, it almost seems that time has stopped. We admire this silent spectacle, knowing how much life is ready to explode.

In a winery, however, work never stops. Maybe they slow down the pace, but this is the moment when the vineyards again need us and the work of the winemaker.

In the meantime, however, our workers check the vineyards, soon it will be time for dry pruning again, in order to allow the shoots to come out with all their splendor in March, usually.

Our work at the moment is above all in the cellar, we are following the wines of the last harvest: we constantly check how they are, we taste, we decant if necessary and we will soon bottle our beloved whites.

Our office never stops: our importers from all over the world give us great satisfaction by expressing appreciation for our wine and asking for new shipments. We can't wait to meet everyone again, and in this regard we are already preparing the fairs that will take place between February and May.

And it is January 22 that the winter activities in the vineyard kick off in a symbolic way. In fact, on January 22nd, San Vincenzo Martire is celebrated, considered the patron saint of winemakers and protector of vineyards.
Much revered in France, where however it is celebrated on April 5, he was the saint to whom, in the past, Italian peasants addressed their prayers, especially in the event of natural disasters, droughts that put plants at risk, to invoke protection on precious fruits of the earth.

Beyond the religious cult, and the symbolic value, it seems that the day dedicated to the Saint corresponds to a favorable and benevolent lunar period for the activities to be carried out in the vineyard.
In common iconography, St. Vincent is often depicted with a bunch of grapes in one hand and the palm of martyrdom in the other.

Not surprisingly, one of the sayings of January is: On San Vincenzo day, January gets its teeth!

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